My new zine, Here. In My Head. #14, is now available to buy!
This issue features writings on mental health recovery, being a “bitch receptionist”, my favourite Tori Amos music, things I wish I could tell my teenage self, and the “suffering artist” myth.
Buy a copy for £1, or join my mailing list for a 20% discount!
I created this zine over the course of a weekend with my friend Kirsty – buy her zine, Forever Incomplete #2.5, here.
Other things I’ve been up to:
1. Last weekend I abseiled down the 120ft Civic Centre building to raise money for SOS Africa! It was definitely the scariest thing I’ve ever done, and I still feel jittery when I think about it! The worst part was stepping backwards off the building. I am so so pleased that I’ve done it though, and I’m really happy about how much money my team has raised. If you want to donate to our team, you can still do so at our JustGiving page:
2. I’ve booked some time to start recording my next EP this winter! How exciting! More news on that soon. 🙂
3. Little reminder that the second issue of Sonorus: Feminist Perspectives on Harry Potter (the compzine I co-edit), was published this week! Buy a copy on the Sonorus website.
4. My next gig is supporting System of a Down UK, on Saturday 20th December in The Masons. Free entry, open to all – details are available here.