Every December I like to review and reflect on the passing year, celebrate my achievements, and set goals and intentions for the new year. 2021 has been a strange time, as we find ourselves in the second year of the pandemic, and try to make the best of a world that remains far from normal. Despite all the difficulties that the pandemic has brought, 2021 has been an amazing year filled with music, love, laughter, growth, new friendships, and adventures (or at least, as many adventures as I could manage during a pandemic) – and for that I’m really grateful. Every passing year gets better and better, as I become more self-assured, resilient, and determined. There is no prime of life – it just keeps getting better. 

2021 highlights

  • Recorded an album! I worked with The Nest Studios in Brighton with the incredibly talented musicians from Birdeatsbaby to record and produce the album, after spending most of lockdown writing it. It also features drums from Brian Viglione of The Dresden Dolls, one of the bands that inspired me to start learning the piano in my late teens! It’s a 13-track, dark alternative/art rock, full-band album that I’m incredibly proud of, and I feel so privileged to be able to work with such talented and inspiring musicians to bring it to life. It’ll be released in 2022, and I can’t wait to share it with the world! (Sign up to my mailing list if you want to be the first to hear about it all)

  • Ran a song covers challenge where I invited people to donate to Trans Aid Cymru and in exchange I’d perform any cover song of their choice! I ended up covering 26 songs over 3 months and raised £300. Watch all my covers back on YouTube. 

  • Co-organised Swansea Zine Fest 2021, a 2-day virtual event with talks, workshops, and a 24-hour zineathon

  • Wrote and published quaranzine, a handmade zine about my experiences of living through the pandemic. Buy a copy here. 

  • Performed at the Swansea Fringe Festival (my first 3D gig since before the pandemic) and played a load of livestream gigs from home (p.s. I’m playing a free livestream gig on New Year’s Day at 8pm – click here to find out more and RSVP)

  • Got seriously into weight training, health, and fitness. Biggest achievements include: running a 5k in 26 minutes and a 10k in 57 minutes, deadlifting 83kg, and losing 10kg of weight since the start of the pandemic. Tangible gains aside, getting into fitness has been amazing for my self-esteem and my relationship with my body – feeling connected to what it can do, not only what it looks like. I am the fittest I’ve ever been, and I have so much more energy and functional strength.

  • Took part in a 5-day songwriting bootcamp with The Songwriting Academy where I learned from industry-leading songwriters and co-wrote with music-makers from all around the world. 
  • A weekend in Bath reuniting with my childhood best friend, who I hadn’t seen for 15 years – we spent the weekend catching up and exploring the city, it was wonderful.

  • An epic roadtrip exploring Cornwall with my partner, and spending our evenings drinking wine in a hot tub

  • Tried loads of new things for the first time, including: scuba diving, oysters (disgusting), Go Ape, and eating in a Michelin star restaurant (it was amazing, although we did get drunk after the wine pairing and got a bit animated and giggly towards the last few courses)

  • Got 4 new tattoos, and dyed my hair a series of ridiculous colours

  • Redesigned and updated my website, featuring these amazing photos taken by Lauren Pitson (such a fun shoot!)


2022 habits/resolutions

  • Read one book every month
  • Meditate at least twice a week
  • Keep working out 4-5 days a week
  • Get more tattoos (maybe a sleeve??)
  • Blog more regularly 
  • Spend less time glued to my phone
  • Do a Tough Mudder 
  • Play more gigs in 3D


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