Bit late with this blog post, but work has been kicking my butt lately so I haven’t been as productive as I’d like!
I’m chuffed to share my latest zine – ‘Never Kill a Boy on the First Date’, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanzine! I created the zine with my zine friend Laura, who writes a perzine called Salutatorian, and it aims to take an intersectional feminist look at BTVS based on our personal perspectives and experiences of growing up with the show. We’ve written about things including Willow and bi erasure, Spike and ableism, The Watcher’s Council and patriarchy, and why Riley is the worst. You can buy a copy on my shop page.
I created this zine over the course of a weekend where my friend Rebs visited from Yorkshire for zine-making weekend; she and our mutual friend Kirsty were working on a compzine about social justice issues in crime narratives, titled ‘Death Becomes Her’ (you can check that out here). We had a great weekend – we did lots of crafting, fangirled over our shared fandoms, and went for a seaside visit to Mumbles pier. It was lovely!
In March, I also finally joined the gym and started attending a yoga class (one of my big 2017 goals)! I usually feel pretty self-conscious and unfit when I go, but I’m getting better. I’m going to start a personalised fitness plan soon too.
Mixtape of the month: Music from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I’ve created a companion playlist to go with the Buffy fanzine, featuring my favourite music featured in the show! Check it out below:
On the topic of Spotify – if you listen to music on Spotify, there’s a small thing you can do that will be a big help to me: FOLLOW me there! Once I get to 250 followers, Spotify will verify my account, which opens up lots of possibilities for my music. If you have a second, please click “follow” below – it’ll be a huge help