Thank you SO SO much to everyone who backed my Kickstarter and helped make this new EP happen! I smashed my original target of £220, then my stretch goal of £300, and the project closed last week at a total of £368. I’m so chuffed, and didn’t expect the campaign to go as well as it did – thank you. <3
As well as the selected reward, backers will also be sent an access code to a private backers-only online gig, taking place the week before the release on 23rd October (online gig date to be announced). More details about this will be released shortly.
I can now officially announce that I’ll be releasing ‘So Far From Whole’ on Friday 23 October 2015 at an EP launch party in Mozarts – follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and sign up to my email newsletter to hear more details as they’re announced. 🙂