I have FINALLY completed my long-awaited website/blog redesign! We had loads of setbacks, and things kept going wrong, but it’s finally completed, and I’m delighted with the result. Massive thank you to my lovely partner Daf Turner for his hard work on the project.
NEW THINGS: all my zines and my EP are available to buy on my swanky new “store” section, there’s a video featuring my performance at the Scarlets Kit Launch on my new “videos” section, and there are lots of new photos on my “photos” section. Check it out!
Apologies for my silence as of late – most of my projects have been put on hold this winter, as I’ve been fighting a very persistent respiratory tract infection for almost a month. Thankfully I’m finally on the mend, and have the energy to work on things again, including the completion of this lovely website. 🙂 My blogging should return to normal now!
Things I’ve been up to since my last blog post:
*Tabled at Queer Zine Fest London
QZFL is one of my favourite annual zine events; unlike others, the tables and workshops focus on marginalised voices, and the prices are fair and non-prohibitive. I’ve attended far too many zinefests where I couldn’t afford half the zines on offer because they were charging £5+ for an 8-page minizine! This is the first year I’ve tabled at the event, and I had a lovely time. Sharing my table were my co-editors of Sonorus, Kirsty and Emily, and my friends Caitlin (‘Sympathy for the Strawberry’ zine) and Lisa (‘Unblissfully’ zine and ‘Japanese Whispers’ zine). The day was socially draining for me, and physically draining due to my illness, and at times I felt kinda overwhelmed by how interesting and cool all the other attendees were! But I’m so glad I went, and took home a big pile of interesting zines. It was also great to see my zine friends Tukru (Vampire Sushi), Lizzy (Marching Stars and The Pillow Fort), Fliss (SW Zines), Sarah-Beth (Ellipsis) and AK (Princesa Pirata)! Big zine love to you all <3
*Published Here. In My Head.#13
This is now available to buy here (no more pesky paypal buttons!).
*Cosplayed for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary
For the 50th anniversary, a few of us went to Cardiff to visit The Doctor Who Experience and watch the episode in the cinema. We had such a good day! I cosplayed as the 9th Doctor, who is my favourite (fun fact: this photo was liked on Instagram by BBC America!):
Daf cosplayed Captain Jack, and looked incredibly handsome!
We had lunch in Eddie Rocket’s, and sat in the very booth where the episode ‘The Impossible Astronaut’ took place! They had these great dalek balloons in the restaurant – I was very tempted to steal one!
After the screening, we went back to the Experience for a VIP afterparty, where we drank DW-themed drinks and partied with a dalek. It was awesome, though admittedly not quite as swanky as it sounded, hah.
*Went to Winter Wonderland
My good friend Lisa was down visiting one weekend, so a few of us went to Swansea bay’s Winter Wonderland fair for ice skating and fairground rides! We had so much fun!
On our way there, we saw a sign outside a local bar that read “PAUL I AM DIVORCING YOU” – the next day we discovered that it was genuine, and had made national news! hahaha.
*Went to Alton Towers for my birthday
It was so much fun! Their new ride The Smiler was immense, so so good! Unfortunately it broke down halfway through the day so we only got to ride it once. We also enjoyed Thirteen, Nemesis, and the Sealife aquarium.
“Daf, are you excited for Alton Towers?!”
Daf making friends with a ray.
*Ingrid’s Yuletide gift swap
My good friend Ingrid (author of ‘Mythologising Me’ zine) did a secret santa-style Yuletide swap this year, where a few participants signed up and were paired up with each other anonymously; the goal was to put together a gift box of handmade or second-hand gifts for each other. My crafting skills are very minimal, as evidenced by the cards above, so I decided to go down the paper craft route and made my swappee a set of manatee notecards! I was pretty pleased with how they turned out.
*Made my own Christmas cards for the first time
This was actually far more difficult than I expected – they all sorta turned out looking like a child had made them!
*Redecorated at home
…and discovered that wallpapering is the most stressful thing on earth, and that painting matte over gloss is a recipe for disaster (we found out the hard way). Seriously, fuck DIY.
*Watched a shitload of Netflix
I’m still rewatching all of Doctor Who (nearly done!), but am now really getting into Fringe and Heroes. I watched the entire first season of Fringe in one week!