070. Attend Million Women Risecompleted!

Thousands of women marched through the centre of London yesterday for the fifth annual Million Women Rise march to demand an end to the “continued daily, hourly, minute-by-minute individual and institutionalised male violence enacted against women worldwide”.

The Swansea Feminist Network travelled to London via a coach that MWR Cymru arranged.  On the coach we ranted about the stories this week that have pissed us off (I personally had a long rant about Cristina Odone’s ridiculous article in the Telegraph where she described heterosexual marriage as “the love that dare not speak its name” – da fuq?), and then watched a documentary on women in punk music.  Best coach journey ever!

The march itself was very inspiring – I loved how diverse the march was, with more children, elderly people, and disabled people than I’ve seen at other feminist marches (not that I’ve been to that many, mind).  This year’s theme was “the girl child”, with a dress code of purple clothing.

The rally at the end of the march was held in Trafalgar Square, and featured many diverse speakers and performers, though I have to admit that it wasn’t the most inspiring rally I’ve attended, as it tended to drag in places. It was an impressive sight, a sea of women flooding Trafalgar Square chanting “POWER TO THE WOMEN – COS WOMEN GOT THE POWER – SISTER CAN YOU HEAR US – GETTING STRONGER BY THE HOUR!”

Afterwards, we went to a fundraising afterparty where we ate free vegan food generously made for us by the Hare Krishna’s, and listened to some acoustic female performers.  It was a cracking day. See you next year, ladies!

Some places that have written about/mentioned Million Women Rise 2012:
 – The Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/revealed-the-best-and-worst-places-to-be-a-woman-7534794.html
 – Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/nina-kelly/million-women-rise-domestic-violence-making-a-stand-million-wo_b_1316531.html?ref=tw
 – Matt Dumbleton: http://mattdumbleton.com/archives/806
 – Demotix: http://www.demotix.com/news/1087196/million-women-rise-march-against-domestic-violence-london

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