38 pages, 4.25″ x 4.25″ – £1.00
This issue was written for the zine anthology being published by Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. Inside, I write about blood, sex, abortion, religion, choice, shame, and growth. It’s mostly a positive zine, and typically very honest and revealing. I hope you like it! Black and white, with a hand-coloured front cover. Want to buy a copy from me? Just Paypal £1.00 to, and I’ll send the zine out to you the next day, with no delivery charge. If you would like me to include one of my free minizines, Twt, just leave me a note when you send me the money and I’ll put it in for you. Don’t forget, you can read more about my zines on my zinewiki page –
(note: I will not be able to send out orders until Wednesday, due to family stuff)
I had considered calling this issue #8.5, but I’m not sure how I feel about “half” zines. I mean, it’s still a completed issue of my zine, right? Just a different one. I suppose that my zines have all been very different, and of differing lengths and content, so I’m happy to give them all their own number.
I’m glad that I managed to get another zine out so quickly, and hope to continue this level of productivity for many weeks to come! Despite finishing my degree, I haven’t been bored at all in the past fortnight. I’ve tried to keep very busy with my music, zines, writing, and the Day Zero project.
1. 037. Make and send a secret to PostSecret – completed!

I’m really proud of it, but I can’t show anyone due to the highly personal nature of the secret! I will let you guys know if it goes up on the international PostSecret page, so you can all have fun guessing which one is mine. 🙂
2. 078. Watch 20 films from IMDBs’ top 250 films that I haven’t seen yet – completed! My favourites were:
3. 081. Identify 100 things that make me happy – completed!
4. 082. Make a list of 50 things I like about myself – completed! This one is too personal and silly to share, I think. Sorry folks.
5. Spent last Friday causing feminist mayhem in Swansea city centre with the Swansea Feminist Network by taking part in Feminist Friday! We covered a load of lads mags in newsagents with bags and feminist slogans – it was awesome.
YAY! For a new issue of your zine – I can’t wait to read it <3
Hehe your feminist network antics made me smike – go you!
love the cover!
thanks so much! 🙂
It looks fantastic! I just finished issue 3 of Reclusive Obscenities, would you like to trade?
just paypalled you, can’t wait to read it!
This is a bit of an odd question I suppose — but I noticed that FRONT Magazine isn’t covered with a sticker. I was wondering if this was intentional, or you got around to it later?
FRONT is my absolute favourite read, which may be weird for a feminist. It might look like a generic lads’ mag on the surface but it’s actually quite feminist-leaning in its writing.
[Plus, DIVA mag has naked women — do you guys address that?]
Genuinely curious! I just often wonder how its perceived by people who haven’t read it but might have heard things :]
Thanks for the comment! I don’t think leaving FRONT uncovered was intentional – we probably hadn’t got round to it when the photo was taken. I don’t read any lads mags, so I’m afraid I can’t comment on the content! Interesting that FRONT isn’t anti-feminist though!
Yeah, the DIVA magazine issue was mentioned, but I think we decided that it was such a precarious issue that we’d leave them uncovered. I think that DIVA, being a gay/bi women’s magazine, isn’t guilty of the same objectification and commodification of women’s sexuality that a straight man’s magazine is… from what I can tell by looking at their website (have only read the magazine once). But I might be wrong.
No you’re right :]
I buy DIVA, FRONT, Filament and Attitude most months. So it seems I have most bases of sexuality covered, haha. FRONT is still my fave.
It’s commendable what y’all are doing. Have you ever been stopped or questioned?
[…] about feedback in the zine community. I’ve released two zines since May – issues #8 and #9 of my perzine Here. In My Head. – and have had no real feedback for either, apart […]
[…] any of you who’ve read issue 8 of my zine will know, I used to be pro-life. But now, I am staunchly, passionately pro-choice. I believe […]
[…] 078. Watch 20 films from IMDBs’ top 250 films that I haven’t seen yet – completed, 26.05.11. Blogged. […]